Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a mile is a mile!

Today is my day off, so I woke up around 7am (thanks for that, internal body clock...), spent a few minutes waking up with Matt, Natalie, Al, and Savannah (of the Today Show...I'm not a huge orgy fan, people!), and laced up my shoes. I decided just to take my Molly pup for my run this morning, since it's too hard to take both dogs anymore.

Since I ran at 730am, the heat wasn't too awful. I was still sweating like a freaking pig at the end, though. I didn't set my C25K app correctly, which I quickly realized, and accidentally did the Week 1, Day 1 program. It actually worked out well though since I'm still not acclimated to running in the elements - so it was a 5 min warmup walk then 90 seconds running and 2 mins walking (for a total of 20 mins), followed by a 5 min cool down. I ended up only doing 2.5 mins of the cool down, but I noticed I was pushing myself to run faster for the 90 secs since I knew it was an "easier" rotation that I've been doing. I forgot to start my RunKeeper app to measure distance and pace, but based on last time's outside run, I think I clocked about 2.15ish in 28 minutes. Not bad for being outside!

I need to be sure to remind myself of the above quote when I'm hard on myself about my times!! 

My friend Krystal and I attended a military spouse appreciation lunch at the Hard Rock today, and it was served buffet style. I was pretty proud of myself! I had 2 servings of salad, one piece of pork, some fruit and small cheese pieces, and 2 teensy brownie bites. I skipped the pasta and bread!! 

Anyways...I'm looking forward to hitting the treadmill tomorrow on my lunch. I set a goal of running at least three times a week for a month straight - once I complete that I'm treating myself to a super cute tank top that says "Keep Calm and Run On." It's all about small goals, people! Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday.

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