Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Feel the rain on your skin.

Admit it, your singing that song in your head now, aren't you? You're welcome.

But really, that's exactly what I did this morning when my pup Molly and I went for a run!

When I woke up at 7am on my first morning off after an incredibly long 3-day, 36-hour stretch at work, the last thing I wanted to do was get up and get my butt out on a run. Whatever. I got up anyways and quickly got dressed and out the door before I changed my mind. Before Molly & I even got out of our gate, it started raining on us. Instead of turning right back around, we kept going.

Considering how humid and warm it already was, the rain felt really refreshing. I actually loved running in it for the few minutes that it continued.

Here are the 'stats' from our run:

About the 2 mile mark, I started regretting rushing out of the house so quickly; I was feeling like a cup of water would have been a good start before my run. To make matters worse, something smelled horrific at the fence before we turned back into our gate, and I had to seriously consider stopping to vomit. Gross.
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with my average pace considering the heat and that I'm just getting back into the swing of things. I love running with my Molly Moo, too. She's the perfect running partner. Oh, and I ran with music again today and it was pretty awesome.
One of my Facebook friends posted this today, and I fell in love with it. Had to pass it along!

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